Fight Factory Boxing Club has been running for 10 years now. We have produced some great boxers in that and we are seeing some real potential in the gym from 11 year old boys and girls, up to youth and senior boxers who are pushing for national titles and boxing for England.
To help take our boxers and club to the next level, we are trying to raise money for a club mini bus. We have applied for some funds (£6,000) from Lottery Funding, which is being processed now, but we still need to find an additional £6,000 to reach our £12,000 target.
With a £12,000 budget, it will enable us to purchase a reliable mini bus that can transport our boxers up and down the UK for sparring and boxing matches without fear of breaking down and will last us for a good amount of years.
To raise this money the kids from the Fight Factory Boxing Club will be getting involved in sponsored events and we'll be asking local businesses if they could donate between £250 to £500 for our cause.
The Club is conducted as a separate non-profit entity and all money made goes back into running the club and taking the kids to boxing events.
if your business could help to support our vision, please contact us today.